Social norms talking points

Social norms talking points.pdf

Donors and practitioners are increasingly interested in harnessing insights from social norms theory to catalyse change around gender inequity and harmful gender related practices. However, little guidance is available to help practitioners integrate simple norms measures and change strategies within field-based programming.

To address this gap the Gender, Violence and Health Centre at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has launched a learning and reflection group on social norms and gender-based violence.

The group mission is:

"To translate and adapt insights and methods from social norm theory and research into practical guidance for development practitioners seeking to transform harmful gender-related practices in low and middle-income countries."

For key lessons compiled by an expert group meeting on strategies to diagnose and measure social norms related to gender-based violence, download the Talking Points.

More information

For more information read the norms measurement meeting learning report.


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